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CAMP 2022

This year we are finally headed back to Epworth! Camping is for all ages but I am specifically directing grades 6-Graduate. This means you child can be going into the 6th grade or just graduated high school.


When filling out registration, leave the icash code and payment info blank. We will fill it in. Camp cost $100 per camper. We will be fundraising at Wabash First UMC, Lincolnville UMC, and Lagro UMC. The event codes are listed below.


Grades 9-Grad will be staying in Embury Lodge as a group. 

Grades 6-8 will be assigned cabins as always. If you have a preferred bunk mate, please list it on the form. 

To Register, download this from and turn it into Nick

Grades 6-8

June 26-July 1 2022

Camp Adventure’s Impact Camps provide a classic camp experience for kids entering 6th – 8th grade; featuring action-packed adventures including: swimming, blobbing, paintball, low ropes, and high ropes. Most importantly, there is a deep focus on Christ through an amazing spiritual program including small groups, modern worship and opportunities to ask the tough questions about God.


At Camp Adventure, we teach and explore the gospel with students through worship, stories, small group discussions, and feature activities. Each week has a different speaker and spiritual director to lead the students to a real and intimate relationship with our Savior. 


Praise can be expressed in many different ways, therefore, we like to help campers become inspired by the Holy Spirit’s movement during different worship times throughout the week. Each week brings a new worship team to lead students to give their all to our Creator. Lookout Lodge, which also doubles as the dining room, turns into a sacred worship space with high-tech lighting and dynamically led music.

Campers also have the opportunity to worship through exploring nature on our vast acreage, meeting in small groups, navigating through the Bible, and encouraging one another through activities like the low and high ropes courses.


Human Foosball | High Ropes Adventure Course | Climbing Wall | Zip Lines | Giant Blob in Kaiser Lake | Jr. Olympic Sized Swimming Pool | Slip ‘N Slide | Paintball | Low Ropes Course | GaGa Pit | 9 Square-in-the-Air | CORCL’s | Beautiful Hiking Trails | Peaceful Fire Circles


Event Code: AM271


To Register, download this from and turn it into Nick

Grades 9 - Graduate

June 26-July 1 2022

That Thing at Epworth Forest is a summer conference camp for high school students to come together in pursuit of Christ being lived out in their communities. There’s a ton of fun here but more importantly, this camp is about sending students out to put love and action into the root of their daily lives back at home.

Hundreds of students will be on site each week from ninth grade through graduating seniors. Students get some supervised free time to explore recreation areas in groups, choose from different Creative Labs, grab snack at the Beach House, and relax in their lodge common rooms.


At the core of That Thing is a passion for creating expressive and interactive worship spaces that draw on multiple learning styles to help students engage with the gospel and finding their own rhythm and connection with God. Bands and speakers spend time connecting with students throughout the day as well as on stage. Counselors and leaders help students through small group discussions in meeting new friends and unpacking the experiences of the week.

Event Code: EH271


Tel: 260-563-3108



Mon - Thurs: 9am - 4pm

Friday: 9AM-12PM


In Person @ 8AM & 10AM

Online @ 11:30AM

  • Facebook


110 N Cass St

Wabash, Indiana 46992


PO Box 605

Created by Church Creative and Consulting LLC
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